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Thursday, September 28, 2017

√ Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Perihal First, Second, And Zero Conditional Sentence

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris perihal First, Second, and Zero Conditional Sentence – First, second, and zero conditional sentence yakni jenis kalimat pengandaian. Kalimat pengandaian sanggup dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu / hal yang mungkin akan terjadi di era depan, sesuatu / hal yang mustahil terjadi, atau sesuatu / hal yang akan sudah terjadi di era lalu. Agar lebih terperinci perihal penggunaan jenis kalimat pengandaian tersebut, berikut yakni latihan soal bahasa Inggris perihal first, second, and zero conditional sentence.

I. Choose the possible conditionals for the situations (number 1 – 8) below and tick (v) a), b), or both if they are both possible.


The farmer wants to sell the field behind our house to property developers.

a) It ruins the area if they build houses there. ___

b) If they build houses there, it’ll ruin the area. v

1. That politician Steven Brown has been offered some money by a businessman.

a) What will you do in his situation? ___

b) What would you do in his situation? ___

2. The interview went well, actually. I think they liked me.

a) I’d accept it if they offered it to me. ___

b) I’m going to accept the job if they offer it to me. ___

3. It’s a simple law of physics.

a) Water boils if you heat it to 100o C. ___

b) Water would boil if you heated it to 100o C. ___

4. I can’t believe more people are getting on this bus.

a) It would never be able to move if any more got on. ___

b) It’ll never be able to move if any more get on. ___

5. She’s phoned twice already today.

a) I’d tell her what I thought if she phoned again. ___

b) I’ll tell her what I think if she phones again. ___

6. I think I know how it works.

a) The drink comes out if you push this. ___

b) The drink would come out if you pushed this. ___

7. Their baby is due next month.

a) They would call her Emily if it was a girl. ___

b) They’re going to call her Emily if it’s a baby girl. ___


II. In the conversation below, two friends are putting a new piece pf furniture together. Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

A: So where do you think this bit goes?

B: Hmm, this piece will fit (fit) onto it perfectly if we put (put) it here.

A: Yes of course, but how (1) __________ you __________ (get) the doors on if you (2)

__________ (do) that?

B: Good point. Perhaps we should do the doors first. Yes, we (3) ___________ (be able to)

stand it upright if we (4) __________ (attach) the doors now.

A: But if we (5) ___________ (do) that, how (6) ___________ we ___________ (get) the top

on? It (7) ___________ (be) too tall to reach.

B: Hmm. OK. Let’s put the top on first then.

A: Yes. Good. Now, we (8) ___________ (be able to) fix the doors and put the shelf in if we

(9) ____________ (stand) it upright. Soon (10) ____________ (be) finished.

B: Not quite. What’s this bit?

A: Ah, that’s easy. You (11) __________ (see) that it’s a spare shelf if you (12) ___________

(read) the instructions.

III. Write answers for questions 1 – 4 below.


How would your friends feel if you always wore the same clothes as him/ her?

He’d probbaly get quite annoyed with me.

1. What would you do if you found $500 in the street?

 ________________________________________

2. What would you say if your mother asked what you thought of a new dress and you hate it?

 ________________________________________

3. What would you tell your teacher if you hadn’t done your homework?

 ________________________________________

4. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?

 ________________________________________

Kunci Jawaban:


1. b) What would you do in his situation? v

2. b) I’m going to accept the job if they offer it to me. v

3. a) Water boils if you heat it to 100o C. v

4. b) It’ll never be able to move if any more get on. v

5. b) I’ll tell her what I think if she phones again. v

6. a) The drink comes out if you push this. v

7. b) They’re going to call her Emily if it’s a baby girl. v


1. Will you get

2. Do

3. Will be able

4. Attach

5. Do

6. Do we get

7. Will be

8. Will be able to

9. Stand

10. Will be

11. Will see

12. Read


1. If I found $500 in the street, I would donate it. *

2. If my mother asked what I thought of a new dress and I hated it, I would say I didn’t like the dress because it was very colourful. *

3. If I hadn’t done my homework, I would apologize to my teacher. *

4. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Indonesia. *

* = (atau tanggapan lain yang sesuai)

Demikianlah latihan soal bahasa Inggris perihal first, second, and zero conditional sentence.Semoga pola soal di atas sanggup membantu pemahaman teman – teman perihal kalimat pengandaian dengan lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih.

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