komputerdia.com - Ekstensi (Extensi) file yakni sebuah penanda yang telah ditetapkan sebagai akhiran untuk sebuah nama file yang sanggup dioperasikan pada perangkat teknologi mirip komputer atau smartphone. Ekstensi file memperlihatkan karakteristik dari isi file serta tujuan penggunaannya.
Secara umum, ekstensi file mengandung 3 (tiga) karakter. Terdiri dari adonan antara aksara dan angka yang secara textual mewakili jenis dari file tersebut. Ekstensi file terletak di simpulan nama file dengan karakter titik sebagai pemisah keduanya.
Contoh dari ekstensi file tersebut yakni mp3, mp4, xml, php, psd dan lain sebagainya. Perlu kalian ketahui, bahwa file ekstensi ini sanggup berjalan dengan baik pada perangkat jikalau terdapat aplikasi lain yang mendukung format file ekstensi tersebut.
Misalnya file ekstensi .docx hanya sanggup kalian buka dengan baik pada software microsoft office word dan jikalau kalian buka pada aplikasi lain, maka file ini secara otomatis akan menolak untuk membuka data atau sisi dalam file ekstensi tersebut
Ekstensi file sering dianggap sebagai metadata yang dipakai oleh sistem operasi untuk sanggup mengetahui informasi dari file tersebut.
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Pentingnya Memahami Extensi File
Apabila ada pengguna komputer yang menyampaikan bahwa ekstensi file bukanlah hal penting, mungkin ketika itu beliau sedang bercanda. Mengapa demikian? Karena sistem komputer sanggup diibaratkan sebagai dunia yang luas, flexibel dan penuh perubahan.
Ada begitu banyak file yang berada dalam dunia yang berjulukan komputer. Baik itu file yang berfungsi sebagai penyusun sistem maupun file-file yang dihasilkan oleh sistem komputer itu sendiri.
Pada kenyataannya, tidak semua dari file-file tersebut mempunyai jenis dan karakteristrik yang sama.
Sama mirip manusia, sistem komputer juga membutuhkan tanda khusus untuk sanggup mengenali adanya perbedaan antara jenis file yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Tanda khusus itulah yang selanjutnya kita kenal dengan istilah ekstensi file.
Dengan adanya tanda tersebut sistem komputer sanggup dengan cepat mengetahui apa jenis dan karakteristiknya serta bagaimana menangani file tersebut. Itulah mengapa ekstensi file menjadi begitu penting.
Daftar Nama / Jenis Ekstensi (Extensi) File
Extension Type | Description |
.h | Header file |
.h! | On-line help file (Flambeaux Help! Display Engine) |
.h++ | Header file (C++) |
.h– | Header file (Sphinx C–) |
.ha | Compressed file archive created by HA (ha098.zip) |
.hap | Compressed file archive created by HAP (hap303re.zip) |
.hbk | Handbook (Mathcad) |
.hdf | Hierarchical Data File graphics (SDSC Image Tools) |
.hdf | Help file (Help Development Kit) |
.hdl | Alternate d0wnl0ad file listing (Procomm Plus) |
.hdr | Pc-File+ Database header |
.hdr | Datafile (Egret) |
.hdr | Message header text (Procomm Plus – 1st Reader) |
.hdw | Vector graphics (Harvard Draw) |
.hdx | Help index (AutoCAD – Zortech C++) |
.hex | Hex dump |
.hfi | Hp Font Info file (GEM) |
.hgl | Hp Graphics Language graphics |
.hh | C++ header file |
.hhh | Precompiled header file (Power C) |
.hhp | Help information for remote users (Procomm Plus) |
.hin | Molecule (HyperChem) |
.hlb | Help library (VAX) |
.hlp | Help information |
.hmm | Alternate Mail Read option hidangan (Procomm Plus) |
.hnc | CNC aktivitas files Heidenhain (?) dialog |
.hof | Hall Of Fame (game scores) |
.hp8 | Ascii text HP Roman8 character set (NewWave Write) |
.hpf | Hp LaserJet fonts (PageMaker) |
.hpg | HPGL plotter file vector graphics (AutoCad – Harvard Graphics) |
.hpi | Font information file (GEM) |
.hpj | Help project (MS Help Compiler) |
.hpk | Compressed file archive created by HPACK (hpack75.zip) |
.hpm | Emm text (HP NewWave) |
.hpm | Alternate Main hidangan for privileged users (Procomm Plus) |
.hpp | C++ header file (Zortech C++) |
.hqx | Compressed Macintosh ASCII archive created by BINHEX (xbin23.zip) |
.hrf | Graphics (Hitachi Raster Format) |
.hrm | Alternate Main hidangan for limited/normal users (Procomm Plus) |
.hs2 | Monochrome image (Postering) |
.hsi | Handmade Software Inc. graphics – almost JPEG (Image Alchemy) |
.hst | History file (Procomm Plus) |
.htm | HyperText Markup Language document |
.htx | Hypertext file |
.hwd | Presentation (Hollywood) |
.hxm | Alternate Protocol Selection hidangan for all users (Procomm Plus) |
.hxx | C++ header file |
.hy1 | Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher) |
.hy2 | Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher) |
.hyc | Data (WordPerfect) |
.hyd | Hyphenation dictionary (WordPerfect for Win) |
.hyp | Compressed file archive created by HYPER (hyper25.zip) |
.i | Intermediate file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.iax | Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive) |
.ibm | Compressed file archive created by ARCHDOS (Internal IBM only) |
.ica | Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture) |
.icb | Bitmap graphics |
.icl | icon library |
.icn | Icon source code file |
.ico | Icon (Windows 3.x) |
.id | Disk identification file |
.ide | Project (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.idw | Vector graphics (IntelliDraw) |
.idx | Index (many – FoxPro) |
.ifd | Form (JetForm Design) |
.iff | Interchange File Format bitmap graphics/sound (Amiga) |
.iff | Sun TAAC Image File Format (SDSC Image Tool) |
.ifp | Script (KnowledgeMan) |
.ifs | Fractal image compressed file (Yuvpak) |
.ifs | System file (OS/2) hpfs.ifs |
.ilb | Data (Scream Tracker) |
.ilk | Outline of program’s format (MS ILink incremental linker) |
.im8 | Sun raster graphics |
.ima | Mirage vector graphics (EGO, Chart, Autumn) |
.img | Bitmap graphics (Ventura Publisher – GEM Paint) |
.imp | Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv) |
.imq | Image presentation (ImageQ) |
.in$ | Installation file (HP NewWave) |
.in3 | Input device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.inb | Test script (Vermont HighTest) |
.inc | Include file (several programming languages) |
.ind | Index (dBASE IV) |
.inf | Type 1 LaserJet font information file (soft font installers) |
.inf | Information text file (ASCII) |
.inf | Install script |
.ini | Initialization file |
.ink | Pantone reference fills file (CorelDRAW) |
.ins | Data (WordPerfect) |
.ins | Installation script (1st Reader) |
.ins | Instrument music file (Adlib) |
.int | Borland Interface Units |
.int | Program saved in Internal (semi-compiled) format (Signature) |
.inx | Index (Foxbase) |
.io | Compressed file archive created by CPIO |
.iob | 3d graphics database in TDDD format |
.ioc | Organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!) |
.ion | 4dos descript.ion file (file descriptions) |
.ipl | Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDRAW) |
.irs | Resource (WordPerfect) |
.isd | Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile) |
.ish | Compressed file archive created by ISH |
.iso | ISO-9660 table |
.it | Settings (intalk) |
.itf | Interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal) |
.iw | Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor – HSC InterActive) |
.iwa | Text file (IBM Writing Assistant) |
.iwp | Text file (Wang) |
.izt | Izl binary token file (IZL) |
.jas | Graphics |
.j4v | Java source code file |
.jbd | Datafile (SigmaScan) |
.jbx | Project file (Project Scheduler 4) |
.jet | Fax (Hybrid JetFax) |
.jff | Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format) |
.jor | Journal file SQL |
.jou | Journal backup (VAX Edt editor) |
.jpc | Graphics (Japan PIC) |
.jpg | Bitmap graphics (Joint Photography Experts Group) |
.jtf | Fax (Hayes JT Fax) |
.jtf | Bitmap graphics (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format) |
.jw | Text document (JustWrite) |
.jwl | Library (JustWrite) |
.jzz | Spreatsheet (Jazz) |
.kar | Midi file with karaoke word track |
.kb | Keyboard script (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.kb | Program source (Knowledge Pro) |
.kbd | Keyboard mapping (LocoScript – Signature – Procomm Plus) |
.kbm | Keyboard mapping (Reflection 4.0) |
.kcl | Lisp source code (Kyoto Common Lisp) |
.kex | Macro (KEDIT) |
.key | Datafile (Forecast Pro) |
.key | Keyboard macros |
.key | Security file eg. Shareware Registration info |
.kpp | Toolpad (SmartPad) |
.kps | Ibm KIPS bitmap graphics |
.kyb | Keyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP) |
.l | Lex source code file |
.l | Lisp source code file |
.l | Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink) |
.lab | Datafile (NCSS – SOLO) |
.lab | Mailing labels (Q+E for MS Excel) |
.lay | Word chart layout (APPLAUSE) |
.lbg | Label generator data (dBASE IV) |
.lbl | Label (dBASE IV – Clipper 5 – dBFast) |
.lbm | Bitmap graphics (DeluxePaint) |
.lbm | Linear bitmap graphics (XLib) |
.lbo | Compiled label (dBASE IV) |
.lbr | Compressed file archive created by LU (lue220.arc) |
.lbr | Display driver (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.lbt | Label memo (FoxPro) |
.lbx | Label (FoxPro) |
.lcf | Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler) |
.lck | Lockfile (Paradox) |
.lcl | Data (FTP Software PC/TCP) |
.lcn | Lection (WordPerfect) |
.lcs | Datafile (ACT! History Files) |
.lcw | Spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D) |
.ld | Long Distance codes file (Telix) |
.ld1 | Overlay file (dBASE) |
.ldb | Data (MS Access) |
.ldf | Library definition file (Geoworks Glue) |
.les | Lesson (check *.cbt) |
.lev | Level file (NetHack 3.x) |
.lex | Lexicon (dictionary) (many) |
.lft | Laser printer font (ChiWriter) |
.lg | Logo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo) |
.lgo | Logo for header and footer (SuperFax) |
.lgo | Startup logo code (Windows 3.x) |
.lha | Compressed file archive created by LHA/LHARC (lha255b.exe) |
.lhw | Compressed Amiga file archive created by LHWARP |
.lib | Library file (several programming languages) |
.lif | Logical Interchange Format data file (Hewlett-Packard) |
.lif | Compressed file archive |
.lim | Compressed file archive created by LIMIT (limit12.zip) |
.lin | Line types (AutoCAD) |
.lis | Listing (VAX) |
.lj | Text file for HP LJ II printer |
.ll3 | Laplink III related file (document) (LapLink III) |
.lnk | Linker response file (.RTLink) |
.lod | Load file |
.log | Log file |
.lpc | Printer driver (TEKO) |
.lrf | Linker response file (MS C/C++) |
.lrs | Language Resource File (WordPerfect for Win) |
.lsl | Lotus Script Library |
.lsp | Lisp source code file (Xlisp) |
.lss | Spreadsheet (Legato) |
.lst | Keyboard macro (1st Reader) |
.lst | List file (archive index – compiler listfile) |
.lst | Spool file (Oracle) |
.ltm | Form (Lotus Forms) |
.lwd | Text document (LotusWorks) |
.lwp | Lotus Wordpro 96/97 File |
.lwz | MS Linguistically Enhanced Sound File |
.lyr | DataCAD Layer File |
.lzd | Difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20) |
.lzh | Compressed file archive created by LHA/LHARC (lha255b.exe) |
.lzs | Compressed file archive created by LARC (larc333.zip) |
.lzw | Compressed Amiga file archive created by LHWARP |
.lzx | Compressed File |
.m | Function (program) (Matlab) |
.m | Macro module (Brief) |
.m | Standard package (Mathematica) |
.m11 | Text file (MASS11) |
.m3 | Modula 3 source code file |
.m3d | 3d animation macro |
.m4 | M4 preprocessor file (unix) |
.m_u | Backup of boot sector, FAT and boot dir (MazeGold) |
.ma3 | Macro (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.mac | Bitmap graphics (Macintosh MacPaint) |
.mac | Macro |
.mag | Woody Lynn’s MAG graphics format (MPS Magro Paint System) |
.mai | Mail (VAX) |
.mak | Makefile |
.mak | Project file (Visual Basic) |
.man | Command manual |
.map | Color palette |
.map | Format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher) |
.map | Linker map file |
.map | Map (Atlas MapMaker) |
.map | Network map (AccView) |
.mar | Assembly aktivitas (VAX Macro) |
.mas | Smartmaster set (Freelance Graphics) |
.mat | Data file (Matlab) |
.max e | Max source code fil |
.mb | Memo field values for database (Paradox) |
.mbk | Multiple index file backup (dBASE IV) |
.mbx | Mailbox (Eudora/Zerberus) |
.mcc | Configuration file (Mathcad) |
.mcd | Document (Mathcad) |
.mcf | Font file (Mathcad) |
.mci | Mci command script (Media Control Interface) |
.mcp | Application script (Capsule) |
.mcp | Printer driver (Mathcad) |
.mcw | Text file (MacWrite II) |
.md | Compressed file archive created by MDCD (mdcd10.arc) |
.mda | Data (MS Access) |
.mdb | Database (MS Access) |
.mdl | Model (3D Design Plus) |
.mdl | Spreadsheet (CA-Compete!) |
.mdm | Modem definition (TELIX) |
.mdt | Data table (MS ILink incremental linker) |
.mdx | Multiple index file (dBASE IV) |
.me | Usually ASCII text file READ.ME |
.meb | Macro Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.med | Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library) |
.med | Music (OctaMED) |
.mem | Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.mem | Memory variable save file (Clipper – dBASE IV – FoxPro) |
.meq | Macro Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library) |
.mer | Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue) |
.mes | Macro Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library) |
.mes | Message |
.met | Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.met | Document (Omnipage Pro) |
.meu | Menu group (DOS Shell) |
.mex | Mex file (executable command) (Matlab) |
.mex | Macro Editor expound file (WordPerfect Library) |
.mf | Metafont text file |
.mgf | Font (Micrografx) |
.mht | MS MHTML Document |
.mib | Snmp MIB file |
.mid | Standard MIDI file (music synthetizers) |
.mif | Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker) |
.mii | Datafile (MicroStat-II) |
.mix | Object file (Power C) |
.mk | Makefile |
.mke | Makefile (MS Windows SDK) |
.mki | Japanese graphics MAKIchan format (MagView 0.5) |
.mks | Data (TACT) |
.ml3 | Project (Milestones 3.x) |
.mlb | Macro library file (Symphony) |
.mm | Text file (MultiMate Advantage II) |
.mmf | Mail message file (MS Mail) |
.mmm | Movie (RIFF RMMP format) (MacroMind Director 3.x) |
.mmo | Memo writer file (RapidFile) |
.mmp | Output video format from Bravado board |
.mnd | Menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler) |
.mng | Map (DeLorme Map’n’Go) |
.mnt | Menu memo (FoxPro) |
.mnu | Advanced macro (HP NewWave) |
.mnu | Menu (AutoCAD Menu Compiler – Norton Commander – Signature) |
.mnx | Compiled hidangan (AutoCAD) |
.mnx | Menu (FoxPro) |
.mny | Account book (MS Money) |
.mob | Device definition (PEN Windows) |
.mod | Modula-2 source code file (Clarion Modula-2) |
.mod | Windows kernel module |
.mod | Music (FastTracker – many) |
.mon | Monitor description (ReadMail) |
.mov | Movie (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
.mp2 | Mpeg audio file (xing) |
.mpc | Calender file (MS Project) |
.mpg | Mpeg animation |
.mpm | Mathplan macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.mpp | Project file (MS Project) |
.mpr | Generated aktivitas (FoxPro) |
.mpt | Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF) |
.mpv | View file (MS Project) |
.mpx | Compiled hidangan aktivitas (FoxPro) |
.mrb | Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics (MS C/C++) |
.mrs | Macro Resource file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.msc | Microsoft C makefile |
.msg | Message |
.msp | Bitmap graphics (Microsoft Paint) |
.mss | Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer – Scribble – MINCE – Jove) |
.mst | Minispecification file (Prosa) |
.mst | Setup script (MS Windows SDK) |
.msw | Text file (MS Word) |
.msx | Compressed CP/M file archive created by MSX |
.mth | Math file (Derive) |
.mtm | Multitracker Module music |
.mtw | Datafile (Minitab) |
.mu | Menu (Quattro Pro) |
.mus | Sound file (MusicTime) |
.mvf | Stop frame file (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
.mvi | Movie command file (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
.mvw | Log file (Saber LAN) |
.mwf | Animation (ProMotion) |
.mxt | Data (MS C) |
.myp | Presentation (MM Make Your Point) |
.nap | Naplps file (VideoShow) (EnerGraphics) |
.nb | Text file (Nota Bene) |
.nc | Graphics (netcdf) |
.nc | Instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine (CAMS) |
.ncc | Cnc (Computer Numeric Control) control file (CamView 3D) |
.ncd | Norton Change Directory support file (Norton Commander) |
.ndb | Network database (Intellicom – Compex) |
.ndx | Index file (dBASE II – III – IV – dBFast) |
.neo | Raster graphics (Atari Neochrome) |
.net | Network configuration/info file |
.new | New info |
.nfo | Info file |
.ng | Online documentation database (Norton Guide) |
.nlm | Netware Loadable Module |
.nlx | Form (FormWorx 3.0) |
.np | Project schedule (Nokia Planner) (Visual Planner 3.x) |
.npi | Source for DGEN.EXE intepreter (dBASE Application Generator) |
.nsf | Lotus Notes / Domino database |
.nst | Music (NoiseTracker) |
.nt | Startup files (Windows NT) |
.ntf | Lotus Notes / Domino template file |
.ntr | Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename) (netrun31.zip) |
.nts | Tutorial (Norton) |
.nts | Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename) (netsend1.zip) |
.ntx | Index (Clipper 5) |
.nuf | Message for new users on their 1st call (Procomm Plus) |
.nws | Info text file (latest news) (ASCII) |
.nxt | Sound (NeXT format) |
.o | Object file (unix – Atari – GCC) |
.o$$ | Outfile (Sprint) |
.oaz | Fax (NetFax Manager) |
.ob | Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay) |
.obj | Object code (Intel Recolatable Object Module) |
.obr | Object browser data file (Borland C++) |
.obs | Script (ObjectScript) |
.obv | Visual interface (ObjectScript) |
.ocf | Object Craft File (Object Craft) |
.ocr | Incoming fax transcribed to text (FAXGrapper) |
.ocx | OLE custom control |
.odl | Type library source (Visual C++) |
.ofd | Form definition (ObjectView) |
.off | Object File Format vector graphics |
.okt | Music (Oktalizer) |
.olb | Object library (VAX) |
.old | Backup file |
.oli | Text file (Olivetti) |
.oom | Swap file (Shroom) |
.opn | Active options (Exact) |
.opt | Optimize support file (QEMM) |
.opw | Organization chart (Org Plus for Windows) |
.opx | Inactive options (Exact) |
.ora | Parameter file (Oracle) |
.org | Calendar file (Lotus Organizer) |
.ost | Microsoft Outlook Offline file |
.otl | Outline font description (Z-Soft Type Foundry) |
.otx | Text file (Olivetti Olitext Plus) |
.out | Output file |
.ov1 | Overlay file (part of aktivitas to be loaded when needed) |
.ov2 | Overlay file (part of aktivitas to be loaded when needed) |
.ovd | Datafile (ObjectVision) |
.ovl | Overlay file (part of aktivitas to be loaded when needed) |
.ovr | Overlay file (part of aktivitas to be loaded when needed) |
.p | Pascal source code file |
.p | Rea-C-Time application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator) |
.p | Picture file (APPLAUSE) |
.p16 | Music (16 channels) (ProTracker Studio 16) |
.p22 | Patch file (Patch22) |
.p65 | Adobe Pagemaker v6.5 |
.pa1 | Worktable (PageAhead) |
.pab | Microsoft Outlook personal address book |
.pac | Stad Image (graphics ?) |
.pac | Package (SBStudio II) |
.pad | Keypad definition (Telemate) |
.pak | Compressed file archive created by PAK (pak251.exe) |
.pal | Color palette |
.pan | Printer-specific file (copy to coreldrw.ink) (CorelDRAW) |
.par | Parts application (Digitalk PARTS) |
.par | Parameter file (Fractint) |
.par | Permanent output file (Windows 3.x) |
.pas | Pascal source code file |
.pat | Hatch patterns (AutoCAD – Photostyler) |
.pat | Vector fill files (CorelDRAW) |
.pb | Fax (FAXability Plus) |
.pb | Phonebook (WinFax Pro) |
.pb | Setup file (PixBase) |
.pb1 | Document (First Publisher for Windows) |
.pba | Powerbasic BASIC source code (Genus) |
.pbd | Phone book (FaxNOW! – Faxit) |
.pbi | Powerbasic include file (Genus) |
.pbi | Profiler Binary Input (MS Source Profiler) |
.pbl | Powerbasic library (Genus) |
.pbm | Pbm Portable Bit Map graphics |
.pbm | Planar bitmap graphics (XLib) |
.pbo | Profiler Binary Output (MS Source Profiler) |
.pbt | Profiler Binary Table (MS Source Profiler) |
.pc | Text file containing IBM PC specific info |
.pc3 | Custom palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.pc8 | Ascii text IBM8 character set (NewWave Write) |
.pcc | Cutout picture vector graphics (PC Paintbrush) |
.pcd | Graphics (Kodak PhotoCD) |
.pcf | Profiler Command File (MS Source Profiler) |
.pch | Patch file |
.pch | Precompiled header (MS C/C++) |
.pcj | Multimedia authoring tool graphics (IBM’s Linkaway-Live) |
.pck | Pickfile (Turbo Pascal) |
.pcl | HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language) |
.pct | Bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 – color PICT2) |
.pcw | Text file (PC Write) |
.pcx | Bitmap graphics (PC Paintbrush) |
.pda | Bitmap graphics |
.pdb | Data (TACT) |
.pdd | Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image |
Package Definition File | |
Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit format) | |
.pdl | Project Description Language file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.pds | Pds graphics |
.pds | Pldasm source code file (hardware assembly) |
.pdv | Printer driver (Paintbrush) |
.pdw | Document (Professional Draw) |
.peb | Program Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.ped | Program Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library) |
.pem | Program Editor macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.peq | Program Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library) |
.per | Program Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue) |
.pes | Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library) |
.pet | Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.pfa | Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font) |
.pfb | Type 1 font file |
.pfc | Text file (First Choice) |
.pfk | Programmable function keys (XTreePro) |
.pfm | Windows Type 1 font metric file |
.pfs | Database (PFS:FILE) – text file (PFS:Write) |
.pft | Printer font (ChiWriter) |
.pg | Page cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay) |
.pgi | Printer Graphics File device driver (PGRAPH library) |
.pgm | Portable Grayscale bitMap graphics |
.pgm | Program (Signature) |
.pgp | Support file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System) |
.pgs | Manual page (man4dos) |
.ph | Optimized .goh file (Geoworks) |
.ph | Perl header file |
.ph | Phrase-table (MS C/C++) |
.phn | Phone list (UltraFax – QmodemPro) |
.pho | Phone database (Metz Phone for Windows) |
.phr | Phrases (LocoScript) |
.pic | Pixar picture file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.pic | Bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 – color PICT2) |
.pic | Bitmap graphics (many eg. Lotus 1-2-3 – PC Paint) |
.pif | Program Information File (Windows 3.x) |
.pif | Vector graphics GDF format (IBM mainframe computers) |
.pit | Compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT (unpackit.zoo) |
.pix | Alias image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.pj | Project (CA-SuperProject) |
.pjt | Project memo (FoxPro) |
.pjx | Project (FoxPro) |
.pk | Packed bitmap font bitmap file (TeX DVI drivers) |
.pka | Compressed file archive created by PKARC |
.pkg | Installer script (Next) |
.pkt | Fidonet packet |
.pl | Perl source code file |
.pl | Prolog source code file |
.pl | Property List font metric file (TeX) |
.pl | Palette (Harvard Graphics) |
.pl1 | Room plan (3D Home Architect) |
.pl3 | Chart palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.plb | Library (FoxPro) |
.plc | Add-in file (functions – macros – applications) (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.pll | Pre-linked library (Clipper 5) |
.pln | Spreadsheet (WordPerfect for Win) |
.plt | Hpgl plotter file vector graphics (AutoCAD) |
.plt | Palette |
.plt | Pre-linked transfer file (Clipper 5) |
.ply | Data (PopMail) |
.ply | Presentation screen (Harvard Spotlight) |
.pm | Bitmap graphics (Presentation Manager) |
.pm3 | Document (PageMaker 3) |
.pm4 | Document (PageMaker 4) |
.pm5 | Document (PageMaker 5) |
.pmc | Graphics (A4TECH Scanner) |
.pmm | Program file (Amaris BTX/2) |
.pn3 | Printer device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.png | Bitmap graphics (Portable Network Graphics) |
.pnm | Pbm Portable aNy Map (PNM) graphics |
.pnt | Macintosh painting |
.pnt | Qwk reader pointer file (MarkMail 2.x) |
.poh | Optimized .goh file (Geoworks) |
.pop | Messages index (PopMail) |
.pop | Pop-up hidangan object (dBASE Application Generator) |
.pov | Raytraced graphics image (Persistence Of Vision) |
.pow | Chord chart (PowerChords) |
.pp | Compressed Amiga file archive created by POWERPACKER |
.ppb | Button kafe for Print Preview (WordPerfect for Win) |
.ppl | Polaroidpaletteplus ColorKey device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.ppm | Portable Pixel Map graphics |
.ppo | Pre-processor output (Clipper 5) |
.ppp | Publication (PagePlus) |
.pps | Storyboard (Personal Producer) |
.ppt | General file extension (PowerPoint) |
.pr2 | Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 2.x) |
.pr2 | Printer driver (dBASE IV) |
.pr3 | Postscript printer driver (dBASE IV) |
.pr3 | Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 3.x) |
.prd | Printer driver (many) |
.pre | Presentation (Freelance Graphics) |
.pre | Settings (Programmer’s WorkBench – MS C/C++) |
.prf | Pixel Run Format graphics (Improces – Fastgraph) |
.prf | Printer driver (dBASE IV) |
.prf | Profiler output |
.prg | Program (Atari) |
.prg | Program source (dBASE IV – FoxPro – Clipper 5 – dBFast) |
.pri | Printer definitions (LocoScript) |
.prj | Project |
.prm | Parameters |
.prn | Printer driver (Signature) |
.prn | Text file (Lotus 1-2-3 – Symphony) |
.pro | Prolog source code file |
.pro | Graphics profile file (DOS) |
.prs | Printer Resource eg. fonts (WordPerfect for Win) |
.prs | Presentation (Harvard Graphics Win) |
.prs | Procedure (dBASE IV) |
.prt | Printer driver (Dr.Halo) |
.prx | Compiled aktivitas (FoxPro) |
.ps | Postscript file (text/graphics) (ASCII) |
.psd | Graphics (Photoshop 3.0) |
.pse | Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment) |
.psf | Outline PostScript printer font (ChiWriter) |
.psm | Music (MASI – ProTracker) |
.psm | Symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal) |
.psp | Procedure (Prodea Synergy) |
.pst | Microsoft Outlook personal folder |
.pt3 | Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.pt3 | Template (PageMaker 3) |
.pt4 | Template (PageMaker 4) |
.ptb | Script (PubTech BatchWorks) |
.ptm | Macro (PubTech BatchWorks) |
.ptr | Qwk reader pointer file (QMail) |
.pub | Page template (MS Publisher) |
.pub | Public key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System) |
.pub | Publication (Ventura Publisher – 1st Publisher) |
.put | Compressed file archive created by PUT (put334.zip) |
.pvd | Script (Instalit) |
.pvl | Library (Instalit) |
.pvt | Local Fidonet pointlist |
.pw | Text file (Professional Write) |
.pwl | Password List |
.pwp | Text document (Professional WritePlus) |
.px | Primary database index (Paradox) |
.py | Python script file |
.pyc | Compiled PYTHON script file |
.pzd | Default settings (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzo | Overlay file (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzp | Palette (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzs | Settings (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzt | Transfer file (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzx | Swap file (Pizazz Plus) |
.qap | Application (Omnis Quartz) |
.qbe | Saved query (Query By Example) (dBASE IV – Quattro Pro) |
.qbo | Compiled query (dBASE IV) |
.qbw | Spreadsheet (QuickBooks for Windows) |
.qd0 | Data file – segment 10 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd1 | Data file – segment 1 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd2 | Data file – segment 2 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd3 | Data file – segment 3 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd4 | Data file – segment 4 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd5 | Data file – segment 5 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd6 | Data file – segment 6 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd7 | Data file – segment 7 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd8 | Data file – segment 8 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd9 | Data file – segment 9 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qdk | Backup of startup files created by Optimize (QEMM) |
.qdv | Graphics (Steve Blackstock Giffer) |
.qef | Query file (Q+E for MS Excel) |
.qfx | Fax (QuickLink) |
.qlb | Quick library (MS C/C++) |
.qlc | Data (PostScript help file) atmfonts.qlc |
.qlp | Printer driver (QuickLink) |
.qm4 | Options or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door) |
.qpr | Generated query aktivitas (FoxPro) |
.qpr | Print queue device driver (OS/2) |
.qpx | Compiled query aktivitas (FoxPro) |
.qrs | Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.qrt | Qrt ray tracing graphics |
.qry | Query (dBASE IV) |
.qt | Quicktime movie (animation) |
.qwk | Qwk reader message file |
.qxd | Document (QuarkXPress) |
.qxl | Element library (QuarkXPress) |
Sumber http://www.komputerdia.com