Soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Tanda Baca & Kunci Jawabannya – Teman – sobat niscaya sering melihat tanda baca dalam sebuah kalimat, ibarat tanda koma (,), tanda (.), tanda titik dua (:) dan sebagainya. Tanda baca tersebut mempunyai fungsinya masing – masing dalam kalimat. Sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai beberapa tanda baca dalam Bahasa Inggris. Agar lebih memahami perihal tanda baca, berikut yaitu soal Bahasa Inggris perihal tanda baca dan kunci jawabannya.
I. Put a comma (,) and period/ full stop (.) in the correct place for each sentence below!
1. The guy in your class likes you he loves you but he has not enough bravery to say his feeling to you
2. We have fried fish mashed potatoes grilled beef and mango juice for lunch
3. His car slid along the road smashed into the fence of someone’s house smashed the swing and finally stopped against a pole near the road
4. Canada one of the safest nations on Earth has a great maintenance of protective system
5. Running to her school that morning Jenny knew she was going to be late
6. Jimmy lives in London doesn’t he?
7. No we will leave for Paris in a week thanks for you kindness
8. No Naomi is not like other girls in this school
9. Wait Dimas did not mean to hit you with the book
10. This afternoon she is going to Lampung Bazaar Food Festival in Bandar Lampung
II. Put a colon (:), comma (,), semi-colon (;), and question mark (?) in the right place for each sentence!
1. On Saturday my mother will buy egg lettuce chilli spinach fish and cheese
2. They really like my little sister she is so cute and beautiful
3. To make a wooden frame we need thin woods scissors white or colorful papers glue and colorful pens or markers
4. She does not know when we went to the beach does she
5. Faculty of Economy and Business in this university has three departments Management Department Accounting Department and Taxation Department
6. Where do you think they will go for summer holiday
7. Do you think not only the students but also the teachers the school staff and even the principal are responsible for the cleanliness of our school
8. Many students in this school do not like him he is so rude and annoying to everyone
9. How did she know that the scores for Science Math and History exams of our class were the best
10. When you were about to go to market our friend Nita asked me to tell you to buy her a notebook pen pencil and eraser
III. Put aposthrope (‘) + s (if needed), and dash (-) in the right place for each phrase!
1. The boy best friend
2. A three years old girl
3. The teachers room
4. Sister in law
5. The boys cars
6. Up to date
7. Revina Math book
8. Aiden new phone
9. Lisa motorbike
10. The fourty five years old woman
Kunci Jawaban:
1. The guy in your class likes you, he loves you, but he has not enough bravery to say his feeling to you.
2. We have fried fish, mashed potatoes, grilled beef, and mango juice for lunch.
3. His car slid along the road, smashed into the fence of someone’s house, smashed the swing, and finally stopped against a pole near the road.
4. Canada, one of the safest nations on Earth, has a great maintenance of protective system.
5. Running to her school that morning, Jenny knew she was going to be late.
6. Jimmy lives in London, doesn’t he?
7. No, we will leave for Paris in a week, thanks for you kindness.
8. No, Naomi is not like other girls in this school.
9. Wait, Dimas did not mean to hit you with the book.
10. This afternoon, she is going to Lampung Bazaar Food Festival in Bandar Lampung.
1. On Saturday, my mother will buy: egg, lettuce, chilli, spinach, fish, and cheese.
2. They really like my little sister; she is so cute and beautiful.
3. To make a wooden frame, we need: thin woods, scissors, white or colorful papers, glue, and colorful pens or markers.
4. She does not know when we went to the beach, does she?
5. Faculty of Economy and Business in this university has three departments: Management Department, Accounting Department, and Taxation Department.
6. Where do you think they will go for summer holiday?
7. Do you think not only the students, but also the teachers, the school staff, and even the principal are responsible for the cleanliness of our school?
8. Many students in this school do not like him; he is so rude and annoying to everyone.
9. How did she know that the scores of Science, Math, and History exams of our class were the best?
10. When you were about to go to market, our friend, Nita, asked me to tell you to buy her a notebook, pen, pencil, and eraser.
1. The boy’s best friend
2. A three-years-old girl
3. The teachers’ room
4. Sister-in-law
5. The boys’ cars
6. Up-to-date
7. Revina’s Math book
8. Aiden’s new phone
9. Lisa’s motorbike
10. The forty-five-years-old woman
Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris perihal tanda baca dan kunci jawabannya. Semoga soal tersebut sanggup menambah pemahaman kalian perihal tanda baca. Terima kasih.
Baca Juga:
Penggunaan Tanda Titik dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris & Abbreviation
Capitalization – Penggunaan Kapital di Bahasa Inggris
Latihan Soal Tentang Clause & Kunci Jawabannya