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Sunday, December 3, 2017

√ Referensi Soal Bahasa Inggris Wacana Pronoun Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pronoun & Jawabannya – Pronoun atau yang biasa disebut sebagai ‘kata ganti’ ialah sebuah kata yang menggantikan subjek atau objek dalam sebuah kalimat. Pronoun (kata ganti) dalam Bahasa Inggris yaitu I (saya), you (kamu), they (mereka), we (kami), she (dia: perempuan), he (dia: laki – laki), dan it (dia: benda). Agar pemahaman Pronoun teman – teman lebih baik, berikut ialah teladan soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Pronoun beserta kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Pronoun

Complete each sentence by choosing the correct pronoun. Scratch the wrong answers.


• We come to Annisa’s birthday party and bring (hers / her / she) a present.

• Dino and (he / him / his) friends will go to the beach soon.

1. Don’t you think that (us / ourselves / everyone) should pay a bit towards it?

2. I have not spoken to (somebody / nobody / anybody) all day.

3. I was (some / none / nothing) too pleased by his behavious that day.

4. It is up to (you / yours / yourself) to decide.

5. Is she really as innocent as (she / her / you) pretends to be?

6. It is boring – there is (something / anything / nothing) much to do in the evenings.

7. People who work overtime usually do (it / they / themselves) for a good reason.

8. Why were you all late? Would you like to explain (you / yourselves / yours) ?

9. They had a great party and really enjoyed (themselves / theirs / they).

10. Could not you wait in the queue like (everybody / someone / no one) else?

11. They found that (he / him / himself) was the one who had taken the money.

12. He wanted the group to treat (he / them / him) as an equal.

13. (anyone / someone / no one) who has got enough money can get in there.

14. I think he has been working pretty hard, as far as (he / me / one) can tell.

15. (some / any / one) advice that you can give me would be appreciated.

16. (them / they / theirs) is an odd way of doing things.

17. Is it the 4 o’clock the train (this / that / it) stops at Cambridge?

18. The dog will not obey me – I cannot do (none / nothing / anything) with him.

19. Is it for (them / they / themselves) to find out if they want to come.

20. What is (these / it / this) I hear about you going to Japan?

21. We were very sorry and ashamed of (we / us / ourselves) for causing trouble.

22. Isn’t that man over there a friend of (yours / your / you) ?

23. Is that (one / anybody / somebody) at the door?

24. He has succeeded in a situation which is much more difficult than (me / I / mine).

25. She needs to develop a bit more confidence in (she / herself / her).

26. In fact, it was (me / my / ones) that gave him the right information.

27. You will just have to get there on (yourself / yours / your) own, won’t you?

28. (our / ourselves / we) all think he is doing the right thing.

29. That is not (us / our / ourselves) responsibility, I am afraid.

30. She has prepared to do anything and (something / nothing / everything) to get that job.

31. (any / some / one) of you here have already met, haven’t you?

32. It is, as (themselves / us / they) say, best to save before you spend!

33. I think that book is one of (she / her / hers).

34. The process is more important to us than the result (ourselves / himself / itself).

35. She was rather suprised at (myself / my / I) asking her to help.

36. Yes, good point – I think you have got (anything / something / everything) there.

37. Well, one of (ours / we / us) will have to go and tell him!

38. The birds opened (they / their / them) beaks when the mother arrived back at the nest.

39. Why don’t you go on holiday by (one / you / yourself) ?

40. It is always (I / my / me) that gets the blame!


Kunci Jawaban:

1. Everyone

2. Anybody

3. None

4. You

5. She

6. Nothing

7. It

8. Yourselves

9. Themselves

10. Everybody

11. He

12. Him

13. Anyone

14. One

15. Any

16. Theirs

17. That

18. Anything

19. Them

20. This

21. Ourselves

22. Yours

23. Somebody

24. Mine

25. Herself

26. Me

27. Your

28. We

29. Our

30. Everything

31. Some

32. They

33. Hers

34. Itself

35. My

36. Something

37. Us

38. Their

39. Yourself

40. Me

Demikianlah teladan soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Pronoun beserta kunci jawabannya. Dengan banyak berlatih soal, kemampuan Bahasa Inggris teman – teman sanggup meningkat. Semoga bermanfaat.

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