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Thursday, January 11, 2018

√ Date Manipulation / Manipulasi Tanggal Di Delphi


=Date() Digunakan untuk menampilkan tanggal ketika ini dengan format mm(2 digit bulan)-dd(2 digit hari)-yyyy(4 digin tahun). Uses the Date function to display the current date in the form of mm-dd-yyyy, where mm is the month (1 through 12), dd is the day (1 through 31), and yyyy is the year (1980 through 2099). 

=Format(Now(), "ww") Digunakan untuk menampilkan jumlah minggu. Uses the Format function to display the number of the week of the year the current date represents, where ww is 1 through 53. 

=DatePart("yyyy", [OrderDate]) Digunakan untuk menampilkan bab dari tanggal. Uses the DatePart function to display the four-digit year of the value of the OrderDate field. 

=DateAdd("y", -10, [PromisedDate]) Digunakan untuk menampilkan n-tanggal sesudah atau sebelum n-tanggal yang ditentukan. Uses the DateAdd function to display a date that is 10 days before the value of the PromisedDate field.

=DateDiff("d", [OrderDate], [ShippedDate]) Digunakan untuk menampilkan variance data. Uses the DateDiff function to display the variance in days between the values of the OrderDate and ShippedDate fields.

Sumber: Interntet (Disclaimer: if you're the one who wrote this article please inform me so i can give you a credit)

Sumber http://farihinmuhamad.blogspot.com