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Saturday, January 6, 2018

√ Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Teladan Kalimat, Soal

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal – Perfect Tense dan Perfect Continuous Tense memang sekilas hampir sama dan mempunyai fungsi yang hampir sama, namun kedua jenis tenses ini berbeda. Jika sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai Future Perfect Tense, kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Future  Perfect Continuous Tense. Berikut ialah penjelasan, pola kalimat, dan soal Future Perfect Continuous Tense.


Pengertian dan Fungsi Future Perfect Continous Tense


1) Future Perfect Continous Tense ialah tense yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu agresi atau kegiatan yang sudah dikerjakan dan ada kemungkinan untuk dilanjutkan pada masa yang akan tiba (masa depan).


Pola Kalimat:


(+) Subject + will + have + been + Verb-ing

(-)  Subject + will + not + have + been + Verb-ing

(?) Will + Subject + have + been + Verb-ing


Contoh Kalimat:

(+) They will have been watching a movie at this time tomorrow.

(Mereka akan masih menonton film pada ketika ini esok hari)

(-) He will have not doing his examination on Monday afternoon.

(Dia tidak akan masih mengerjakan ujiannya pada hari Senin siang)

(?) Will you have been working at 5 p.m. this evening?

(Akankah kau masih bekerja pada jam 5 sore ini?)


2) Selain pola kalimat di atas yang merupakan kalimat verbal, terdapat juga pola kalimat untuk kalimat nominal dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense sebagai berikut:


(+) Subject + will + have + been + being + noun/ adjective/ adverb

(-) Subject + will + not + have + been + being + noun/ adjective/ adverb

(?) Will + subject + have + been + being + noun/ adjective/ adverb + ?


Contoh Kalimat:

(+) I will have been being a teacher by the end of this year.

(Saya akan telah menjadi seorang guru pada final tahun ini)

(-) He will have been being a student in this university next month.

(Dia akan telan menjadi seorang murid di universitas ini pada bulan depan)

(?) Will they have been being my friends when I study in this university?

(Akankah mereka telah menjadi teman aku ketika aku berguru di universitas ini?)


3) Terdapat beberapa keterangan waktu yang biasa di pakai dalam kalimat Future Perfect Tense sebagai berikut:


For …                           : Selama …

For a week                  : Selama seminggu

For two years              : Selama dua tahun

By the end of …          : Pada final …

By …                           : Pada …

By tomorrow               : Pada esok hari

At this time …             : Pada ketika ini …

At this time tomorrow : Pada ketika ini esok hari

When                           : Ketika

Before                         : Sebelum


4) Jika kalian merasa resah antara Future Perfect Tense dan Future Perfect Continuous Tense, berikut ialah pola perbedaannya.


Future Perfect TenseArtiFuture Perfect ContinuousTenseArti
Donna will have done her school project by the end of this year.Donna akan telah selesai mengerjakan proyek sekolahnya pada final tahun ini.Donna will have been doing her school project for four months by the end of this year.Donna akan telah masih mengerjakan proyek sekolahnya selama empat bulan pada akir tahun ini.
(= Donna’s school project will be finished by the end of this year)(= Proyek sekolah Donna akan selesai pada final tahun ini)(= Donna’s school project is on going to be finished and by the end of this year she will still be doing it)(= Proyek sekolah Donna masih akan diselesaikan dan pada final tahun ini beliau masih akan mengerjakannya)





Read the situations and make sentences using the words in brackets.



The teacher gives the students an assignment on their holiday. (The students/ do/ their assignment on holiday)

  • The students will have been doing their assignment on holiday.


  1. The Math examination will end at 3 p.m. this afternoon. (The students/ do/ the examination at 2 p.m. this afternoon)

    • ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

  2. I have done so many works today and I will sleep after 8 p.m. (I/ sleep/ at 9 p.m. tonight)

    • ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

  3. Fiska is going to Turkey next month for a year. (She/ be/ in Turkey by next two months)

    • ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

  4. There will be a new branch of our company next week. (The manager/ run/ the new branch of our company by next week)

    • ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

  5. Alif is enrolling his study in a university and he chooses Economic Faculty. (He/ be/ a new student of the university by the beginning of next month)

    • ……………………………………………………………………………………………….



Kunci Jawaban:


  1. The students will have been doing the examination at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

  2. I will have been sleeping at 9 p.m. tonight.

  3. She will have been being in Turkey by next two months.

  4. The manager will have been running the new branch of our company by next week.

  5. He will have been being a new student of the university by the beginning of next month.



Demikianlah penjelasan, pola kalimat, dan soal Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Semoga sanggup dipahami dengan baik dan bermanfaat. Terima kasih.


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