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Friday, January 5, 2018

√ Past Perfect Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Referensi Kalimat, Soal

Past Perfect Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal – Perfect Continuous Tense memang mempunyai kemiripan dengan Perfect Tense, namun kedua jenis tenses tersebut mempunyai perbedaan, yaitu pada waktu terjadinya suatu agresi atau aktivitas. Jika sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai Past Perfect Tense, kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Berikut ialah penjelasan, pola kalimat, dan soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense.


Pengertian dan Fungsi Past Perfect Continous Tense


1) Past Perfect Continous Tense ialah tense yang dipakai untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu agresi atau kejadian telah dilakukan di masa kemudian dan masih berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu.


Pola Kalimat:


(+) Subject + had + been + Verb-ing

(-)  Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing

(?) Had +Subject + been + Verb-ing + ?


Contoh Kalimat:

(+) The girl had been studying English for two year since 2015.

(Perempuan tersebut telah berguru bahasa Inggris selama dua tahun semenjak tahun 2015)

(-) The man had not been teaching Math at this school for one month since August.

(Pria tersebut sudah tidak mengajar matematika di sekolah ini selama satu bulan sejak

bulan Agustus)

(?) Had your sister been writing a novel since last year?

(Apakah adikmu telah menulis sebuah novel semenjak tahun lalu?)


2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense juga sanggup dipakai untuk menyatakan berapa usang sesuatu telah terjadi sebelum sesuatu yang lain terjadi.


Contoh Kalimat:

  • The football match had to be stopped. They had been playing for half an hour when there was a terrible storm.

(Pertandingan sepak bola harus dihentikan. Mereka telah bermain selama setengah jam saat terjadi angin puting-beliung hebat)

  • Ken had been smoking for 30 years when he finally gave it up.

(Ken telah merokok selama 30 tahun saat ia jadinya berhenti melakukannya)

  • When the students came into the principal’s room, their clothes and hair were untidy and dirty, their faces were red, and one had a black eye. They had been fighting.

(Ketika anak pria tersebut tiba ke rumah, pakaian mereka kotor, rambut mereka tidak rapi, dan salah satu dari mereka mempunyai mata yang lebam. Mereka telah berkelahi)


Jika kalian masih galau antara Past Continuous dan Past Perfect Continuous Tense, perhatikan tabel berikut:


Past Continuous TenseArtiPast Perfect Continuous TenseArti
When I looked out of the window, it was raining.Ketika saya melihat ke luar jendela, hari sedang hujan.When I looked out of the window, it had been raining.Ketika saya melihat keluar jendela, hari telah hujan.
(= Rain was falling at the time I looked out)(= Hujan sedang turun saat saya melihat keluar)(= It was not raining when I looked out; it had stopped)(= Hari tidak hujan saat saya melihat keluar; hujan sudah berhenti)




Read the situation and then write a sentence by using the words in brackets.



When the students came into the principal’s room, their clothes and hair were untidy and dirty, their faces were red, and one had a black eye. They had been fighting.

(they/ fight) à They had been fighting.


  1. Kaiden was watching television. He was feeling very tired.

(he/ study/ hard all day) à He ………………………………………………………………………

  1. When Gina walked into the house, it was empty. But there was a smell of cake.

(somebody/ bake a cake/ in the house) à Somebody ……………………………………….

  1. When Mandy came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun.

(she/ lie/ in the sun too long) à …………………………………………………………………….

  1. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.

(they/ play/ football) à ………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Anna woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she did not know where she was.

(she/ dream) à …………………………………………………………………………………………..


Change the verb in the brackets into the correct form of Past Perfect Continuous or Past Continuous.



Jimmy was leaning agains the wall, out of breath. He had been running (run).

I tried to catch Jimmy but I could not. He was running (run) very fast.


  1. Tommy was looking under his desk. His hands and knees were on the floor. He …………………… (look) for his new pen.

  2. The princesses were sitting round the table with their mouths full when I entered the room. They ……………………… (eat).

  3. When I arrived, Anna ………………………….. (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she ……………………….. (wait) for me a very long time.

  4. My friends and I ………………………… (walk) along the busy road for about 30 minutes when a car stopped before us and the driver offered us a lift.

  5. The princesses were sitting round the table and talking when I entered the room. Their mouths were empty but their stomachs were full. They ………………………. (eat).


Kunci Jawaban:



  1. He had been studying hard all day.

  2. Somebody had been smoking in the room.

  3. She had been lying in the sun too long.

  4. They had been playing football.

  5. She had been dreaming.


  1. Was looking

  2. Was eating

  3. Was waiting, had been waiting

  4. Had been walking

  5. Had been eating


Demikianlah penjelasan, pola kalimat, dan soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Semoga klarifikasi tersebut sanggup menambah pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris sobat – teman. Terima kasih.


Baca Juga:


Adjective – Definisi, Fungsi, Jenis, Contoh Kalimat

Future Perfect Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal

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