1. Missing the monthly
This is a classic pregnancy symptom; especially if a woman's monthly cycle
is as precise as the Big Ben. If a woman misses a period, it is probably time
to take a home pregnancy test. However, if the woman's menstruation is not
very regular, she should wait for a couple of days before taking a pregnancy
2. Soreness of breasts.
During pregnancy, breasts tend to be very sensitive. This is accompanied
also by the darkening of the areolas or the concentric circle surrounding the
nipples. A woman may also feel that her bra doesn't fit her as comfortably as
before. This is natural because the breasts tend to increase in size when
pregnancy sets in. For some, breast sensitivity is a very uncomfortable
ordeal to live with during pregnancy. Fortunately, this wears off come the
second trimester. For others, breast sensitivity can be a plus since this
translates to heightened pleasure during intimate moments.
3. Morning Sickness.
Pregnant women usually deal with unsettled stomachs each morning during the
first weeks of pregnancy. They may also sustain vomiting and feel weakness of
the body. Contrary to popular belief, and to the suggestion the name implies,
"morning" sickness does not only occur in the morning. Some women
come down with nausea in the afternoon or in the evening. Other expectant
mothers feel sick the whole day. This is maybe a side-effect due to the increase
in the estrogen levels in a woman's body due to the pregnancy.
4. Unusual eating habits.
Women who are in the early stages of pregnancy sometimes crave for food
they have never before or rarely eaten. It is also natural for them to be
greedy. Some women may at times crave for unusual food, at the same time some
women may hate the kind of food which used to be one of their
5. Spotting and discharge.
healthcare has attained global recognition as Hospitals of India are best in
the world in terms of state of the art diagnosis, world class infrastructure
, modern comforts and facilities, highly qualified, experienced doctors and
surgeons, highly trained, compassionate and dedicated nurses and English
speaking paramedical staff. Many hospitals have achieved accreditation from
Joint Commission International standard.
Most of the patients opt to treat offshore due to various reasons including
the cost issues, ease and affordability of international travel, long
frustrating queues in many nations and above all improving technology
standards of health care . Medical tourists travel off shore in search of
faster, cost-effective and safer medical and surgical procedures. Medical
tourism opens up an opportunity for healthcare sectors to tap the potential
of healthcare market and eventually leverage their business. Besides offering
cutting edge technologies of latest medical research, the health care
providers offer non-medical services like hospitality services, spa
facilities and pick up services to facilitate comfortable stay and treatment
of their international clients.
Tourism in India is gaining momentum not only for its beautiful scenery and
unique culture but also because of its medical expertise. For years now,
Medical Tourism India has been very popular.
Why India?
Over the last decade, there is a sea of change in the Indian Medical system
and Hospitals of India have state of the art infrastructure and technological
sophistication to treat their patients. India has become the hot spot for
medical tourists all around the globe because of its efficient treatment
options in a cost effective way along with the opportunities to spend a
luxurious holiday.
Being acquainted with the western medical scenario can give a clear picture
of the growth of medical tourism in other parts of the globe. For instance, a
patient looking for hip replacement surgery in Britain should wait for more
than a year while in Bangalore the patient has the privilege of finding
himself in the operation theatre just landing the same day. Apart from this,
treatment in India is very cost effective. A heart valve operation that would
cost around $200,000 in the US costs mere a $10,000 in India including round
trip airfare and a brief vacation package. The various reasons for the
booming Medical Tourism India apart from affordable cost are world class
health care centers, qualified health care professionals, and quick treatment
India is the hub of a variety of medical procedures like Ayurveda,
Orthopedics, Cardiothoracic, Cosmetic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery
and the exotic spas. Pharmaceuticals too meet the stringent requirements of
US food and Drug administration and even qualify for the American standards
of quality care. . Another good reason why India has become a preferred
destination for medical tourists especially from USA and UK is that the
language does not pose a problem for them as most of them speak good
Medical tourism agencies like Forerunners Healthcare are taking care of the
needs of international patients. They offer budget fitting tour packages and
luxury to affordable hotels to stay. These agencies have close ties with
renowned Indian hospitals to treat their patients. Since most of the medical
treatments would require the patient to stay in India, these organizations
make arrangements for patients to have the best treatments along with a nice
stay in reasonable hotels offering an opportunity for the patients to have a
nice vacation experience as well. |
In the early stages of pregnancy, mucus begins to accumulate around the
opening of the cervix to form the mucus plug, a barrier which serves as
protection for the developing baby. Around the time of the implantation, or
the time when the embryo has implanted itself on the uterine lining, pregnant
women may notice a bit of spotting. Spotting due to pregnancy is light in
volume and pinkish in color, as opposed to the deep red color associated with
regular menstruation. It is important to emphasize though that discharge
during pregnancy should not be accompanied by other distinctive signs of
infection such as itchiness, burning sensation and foul odor.
Aside from these symptoms, a pregnant woman may also experience several
other complaints such as fatigue, constipation, increase in basal body
temperature even after her period is due, frequent urge to urinate and
heartburn. Other unusual symptoms that an expectant mother may experience
include enhanced sense of smell, weepiness and complexion problems also known
as "breaking out". If a woman is experiencing one or more of these
symptoms but still is unsure, a convenient home pregnancy test will easily
confirm if she can expect a baby in the near future.
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