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Monday, September 25, 2017

√ Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Penggunaan So And Such, Dan Too And (Not) Enough

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris ihwal Penggunaan So and Such, dan Too and (Not) Enough – Kata so, such, too dan enough merupakan kata keterangan (adverbs) yang sering dipakai dalam penulisan dan pengucapan bahasa Inggris. Kata – kata tersebut umumnya disertai dengan kata benda (nouns), kata sifat (adjectives), atau kata keterangan lain (adverbs). Agar lebih memahami ihwal penggunaan kata – kata tersebut, berikut yakni latihan soal bahasa Inggris ihwal penggunaan so and such, dan too and (not) enough beserta kunci jawabannya.

I. In number 1-8 below, look at the speaker’s thoughts. What did they say? Choose a) or b).


I wanted the questions to make me think.

a) I thought question 6 in that exercise was not difficult enough. 

b) I thought question 6 in that exercise was too difficult. ___

1. I want to emphasise how nice he is as much as I can.

a) He is such a nice man. Have you met him? ___

b) He is a very nice man. Have you met him? ___

2. I probably won’t buy the dress because of the price.

a) That dress I want is so expensive. ___

b) That dress I want is too expensive. ___

3. I will say a fact about that part of Australia.

a) It is too hot in that part of Australia. ___

b) It is very hot in that part of Australia. ___

4. I don’t think I like their garden.

a) They have got so many trees in that garden. ___

b) They have got too many trees in that garden. ___

5. I can’t go to university because of my exam results.

a) My exam results were not good enough. ___

b) My exam results were not very good. ___

6. I think we should give him the job.

a) I am sure he has got enough experience. ___

b) He has not got very much experience. ___

7. I did not like the ending of the film.

a) The film seemed to finish too quickly. ___

b) The film seemed to finish very quickly. ___

8. I want to make it very clear how busy I am.

a) I have got such a lot to do. ___

b) I have got a lot to do. ___


II. In the interview below from a plane passanger who had a lucky escape, the last letters of each line have not been printed. Use language from this unit, and any other language necessary, to complete the lines.


It was terrible. If it had not been for the pilot’s quick thinking, we’d

Probably all be dead now. I can’t explain my feelings. It was (1) s_____

scary. I heard this bang and looked out of the window and saw a (2) fir_____

on the wing. My life did not flash before my eyes. There was not (3) en_____

time for that. I remember thinking “Help! I don’t want to die. (4) I’m t_____

young to die.” I suppose everybody thinks that. There were too (5) m_____

things I still wanted to do. Anyway, we’re all very lucky, we (6) kn_____

that for sure. And you know what the captain said? Honestly, (7) he’s s_____

modest! He said he was only doing his job, but he made the (8) decisi_____

to ignore the rule book and make an immediate crash (9) landi_____

Apparently, a fire on the wing is not supposed to be serious enough (10) t_____

cause us to turn back, but in fact, if we’d carried on we (11) prob_____

would have crashed into houses and we’d all have died. He’s (12) s_____

a hero!

III. Put phrases a) – f) in spaces number 1 – 5 in the newspaper article below.

a) much time to study them properly

b) so impressive they may help in the design of robots

c) very huge weights with so little effort

d) so strong it would make a weightlifter look weak

e) very long

f) so strong

Beetle weight lifters

It’s only three inches long but this beetle has incredible strength. In fact, the insect is d) . Researchers have discovered that it can carry one hundred times its own body weight. They found that the study result was (1) _____ . A big mystery was how the beetles managed to move (2) ______ .

Researcher leader Rodger Kram said last night, “It is a mystery why they are (3) _____ . It shook us. But we will have to wait until August to do any more research. This year we didn’t have (4) _____ . The beetles come out in August and don’t live (5) _____ – only a few weeks.”

Kunci Jawaban:


1. a)

2. b)

3. b)

4. a)

5. a)

6. a)

7. b)

8. b)


1. so

2. fire

3. enough

4. too

5. many

6. know

7. so

8. decision

9. landing

10. time

11. probably

12. such


1. b)

2. c)

3. f)

4. a)

5. e)

Demikianlah latihan soal bahasa Inggris ihwal penggunaan so and such, dan too and (not) enough beserta kunci jawabannya. Latihan soal di atas dibutuhkan sanggup menambah pemahaman sobat – teman. Semoga bermanfaat!

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