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Friday, September 22, 2017

√ Pengertian Coordinating Conjunctions Beserta Pola Dan Latihan Soal

Pengertian Coordinating Conjunctions beserta Contoh dan Latihan Soal – Coordinating Conjunctions ialah salah satu jenis kata hubung dalam bahasa Inggris. Jenis kata hubung ini menghubungkan antar kalimat sederhana yang mempunyai pola kalimat yang setara. Oleh alasannya ialah itu, kata hubung ini biasanya dipakai untuk menghubungkan kalimat beragam setara. Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut ialah pengertian coordinating conjunctions beserta pola dan latihan soalnya.


A. Penjelasan Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, or, so.


Coordinating Conjunctions ialah salah satu jenis kata hubung yang menghubungkan antar kalimat sederhana yang mempunyai pola kalimat yang setara. Oleh alasannya ialah itu, kata hubung ini biasanya dipakai untuk menghubungkan kalimat beragam setara.


Terdapat 7 jenis coordinating conjunctions (kata hubung) dalam bahasa Inggris yang sanggup teman – teman singkat katanya menjadi “fanboys”, yaitu sebagai berikut:

  • For (karena)

  • And (dan)

  • Nor (atau tidak)

  • But (tetapi)

  • Or (atau)

  • Yet (namun)

  • So (jadi)


Namun dalam klarifikasi kali ini, kita hanya akan membahas beberapa kata hubung yang umum digunakan, yaitu and, but, or, dan so.


B. Makna and, but, or, dan so


Dalam kalimat beragam setara (compound sentences), kata hubung and, but, or, so memiliki makna sebagai berikut:


  1. And (dan)

Kata hubung ini menghubungkan dua kalimat yang mempunyai inspirasi yang hampir sama. kalimat yang memakai kata hubung ini sanggup berupa kalimat faktual atau kalimat negatif.

Contoh kalimat:

  • Diana, my best friend is an art student, and her boyfriend plays in a rock band.

(Diana, teman baik aku ialah murid seni, dan pacarnya bermain di salah satu grup musik rock)

  • Diana doesn’t like classical music, and he doesn’t like art.

(Diana tidak suka musik klasik, dan beliau tidak suka seni)


  1. But (tapi)

Kata hubung ini menghubungkan dua kalimat yang mempunyai inspirasi yang berlainan / berbeda.

Contoh kalimat:

  • Diana likes art, but she doesn’t like classical music.

(Diana suka seni, tapi beliau tidak suka musik klasik)

  • Diana likes jazz, but her boyfriend doesn’t.

(Diana suka musik jazz, tapi pacarnya tidak suka)


  1. Or (atau)

Kata hubung ini menghubungkan dua kalimat yang mengekspresikan pilihan / alternatif. Kata hubung or ini biasanya dipakai dalam kalimat negatif.

Contoh kalimat:

  • He doesn’t like art or classical music.

(Dia tidak suka seni atau musik klasik)

  • They go to a classical concert every Friday afternoon, or they visit an art gallery in the evening.

(Mereka pergi ke konser musik klasik setiap hari Jumat siang, atau mereka mengunjungi sebuah galeri seni di sore harinya)

  • He practices music with his grup musik every Saturday evening, or they go to hear a rock concert at night.

(Dia berlatih musik dengan grup musik nya setiap hari Sabtu sore, atau mereka pergi mendengarkan konser musik rock di malam harinya)


  1. So (jadi)

Kata hubung ini menghubungkan kalimat yang berisi alasan (reason) dengan kalimat lain yang berisi akhir (result).


Contoh kalimat:


Reason (Alasan)Result (Akibat)
They both like jazz,

(Mereka berdua menyukai musik jazz,)

so they go to jazz concerts together.

(Jadi mereka pergi ke konser musik jazz bersama)

He works a lot,

(Dia bekerja terus,)

so they don’t go out very often.

(Jadi mereka tidak sangat sering pergi keluar)


C. Contoh Soal


I. Fill in the blanks with one of these four coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, so.


  1. The waitress said, “Today we have two specials: fried chicken and meatloaf”.

  2. At first, I ordered cheesy chicken, ______ my friend ordered fried chicken.

  3. After an hour, the waitress came back to our table and said, “I made a mistake. We don’t have chicken ______ meatloaf.”

  4. I immediately wanted to leave the restaurant, ______ my friend wanted to stay.

  5. My friend ordered french fries ______ a burger, ______ I didn’t order anything.

  6. Some of my cousins are vegetarians, _______ they don’t eat meat.

  7. Vegetarians don’t eat chicken ______ meat, ______ sometimes they eat a little fish.

  8. My mom said that I need to be friendly, ______ I invited them to my house for dinner.

  9. They came to my house ______ brought their young son.

  10. She is still a baby, _____ he can’t talk yet.

  11. My new neighbors don’t drink tea ______ coffee, ______ I served lemonade with our meal.

  12. I offered them a choice of chocolate cake _____ apple pie for the dessert.

  13. The husband wanted both cake and pie, ______ the wife didn’t want either.


II. Connect the two simple sentences in each pair to make a compound sentence with and, but, or, so. Add a comma to each sentence.


  1. There are two official languages in Canada. Everything is printed in both English and French.

There are two official languages in Canada, so everything is printed in both English and French.


  1. In the world, there are several hundred languages. Not all of them have a written form.



  1. English is spoken in more countries. Chinese is spoken by more people.



  1. The third most spoken language in the world is Russian. Spanish is the fourth.



  1. Young people should know a second language. They will face difficulties in the international job market.



Kunci Jawaban:


  1. And

  2. But

  3. But

  4. But

  5. And, but

  6. So

  7. Or, but

  8. So

  9. And

  10. So

  11. Or, so

  12. Or

  13. But



  1. There are two official languages in Canada, so everything is printed in both English and French.

  2. In the world, there are several hundred languages, but not all of them have a written form.

  3. English is spoken in more countries, but Chinese is spoken by more people.

  4. The third most spoken language in the world is Russian, and Spanish is the fourth.

  5. Young people should know a second language, or they will face difficulties in the international job market.


Demikianlah pengertian coordinating conjunctions beserta pola dan latihan soalnya. Semoga klarifikasi di atas menambah pemahaman teman – teman wacana jenis kata hubung tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat!

Sumber https://ruangseni.com