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Thursday, January 25, 2018

√ Rujukan Cv Bahasa Inggris

59 Carrington Lane
BR25 4MP
Tel: 01406 9537762

An adaptable, enthusiastic, conscientious and self-motivated individual with broad ranging experience. Possessing excellent communication skills combined with the ability to relate well to people at all levels and ensuring jobs are seen through from conception to successful completion.

Estimating/Systems Development

  • Running a daily cost estimating system providing performance and costing data using a wide variety of software packages.
  • Producing daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports drawn from production data.
  • Part of a forecasting and scheduling team, producing recommendations in the form of reports to the sales and management team.

Production – Team Leader

  • Supervised a team of 20 staff on a shift rota basis and ensured that production targets and quality standards were consistently met in a hazardous environment, where safety and hygiene were paramount.
  • Dealt with all personnel matters relating to the team including their training, development, sickness and holiday cover.
  • Increased production by 30% through new working practices, improved operating systems, better team understanding and working methods.
  • Implemented perpetual product inventory (PPI), which improved the measurement of stock from delivery to end product and subsequently this reduced stockholding and related costs.

Customer Service

  • Dealt with a broad range of customers’ needs and requirements on a fast-moving and dynamic shipping line, requiring good communication, organisation and excellent interpersonal skills.

Warehouse Operative

  • Duties included: Picking, Packing, QA, International Despatch, System Interrogation. Fully trained on ‘Dispatcher’ Warehouse Management System.

Word Processing            : Microsoft Word 2003
                                            WordPerfect – v7.0 for Windows
Spreadsheet Software    : Lotus 123 for Windows (Advanced)
                                            Microsoft Excel 2003
Presentation Software    : Harvard Graphics
Email Software               : Lotus CCMAIL
                                            Lotus Notes
Other Software               : Corel Flow
                                            MS Office
                                            Dispatcher (Warehouse Management System)

1999 – Present Estimator/Systems Development Technician, Molvane Cellular Accessories
1997 – 1999 Team Leader – Operations, Wellington International, Bath
1997 Despatch Clerk, Leaf (UK) Ltd, Bristol
1995 – 1997 Cabin Supervisor, Stena Line (UK) Ltd, Holyhead, North Wales

BA(Hons) in Leisure Studies
HND in Leisure Studies
National Diploma in Business and Computer Studies
RSA Level 2 in Information Technology
GCSEs in Maths, English, Welsh Studies and Science

Attended a number of courses in a variety of computer software packaging, other pembinaan included:

  • Selling Skills
  • Basic Food Hygiene
  • Sea Safety
  • Accident Reporting
  • Efficient Deck Hand (EDH)

Date of Birth: 9 May 1974
Marital Status: Married
Full clean driving licence, car owner

In my leisure time I enjoy playing rugby. Whilst at university, I represented Bedfordshire and East Midlands Colt and U21s teams. For seven years I was in the Air Training Corps where I reached the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer. My most enjoyable pastime is spending time with my family and friends.

Source: How To Write a CV That Really Works
By: Paul McGee

Sumber http://farihinmuhamad.blogspot.com