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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Can Stress Cause Cancer?

Stress is something that all of us experience at some point of time during the entire life. As children we get exam stress and once we grow up the job stress and family stress all these have become part and parcel of the modern lifestyle. When a person is under stress, there are many hormones that are released in the body. These hormones are adrenalin, coristol, dopamine, noradrenalin and endorphins. Although there are no proof to support that stress causes cancer, it can be said that it increases the possibilities of developing cancer.
Nobody knows what exactly causes cancer. It has been predicted that genetic factors along with environmental factors can triggers cancerous cells. We all know that a weak body having low immune system invites many diseases and illnesses. Those who possess strong immune system can help in preventing abnormal growth of cells as they help in preventing growth of other viruses and bacteria. Stress is known to affect the normal working of the immune system. Once the immune system is compromised, it gives invitation to various disorders and diseases and one of them is cancer. Kaposi sarcoma and few other lymphomas types of cancer are caused due to viruses. These viruses invade the human body where the immune system is not strong enough.
Stress is a silent killer causing many diseases. Stress results in various physiological changes, psychological changes and also changes in the behavior. The common effects of stress are insomnia, headache, elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, inconsistent blood sugar levels, depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, restlessness and lack of concentration. All these lead to obesity and many types of cardiovascular diseases. In some cases, excess stress might even lead to cancer.